Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am going to Africa this summer!!!

Late last year, I made a personal declaration that I would take two weeks out of every year to help someone –somewhere around the world who is less fortunate than I am. I have most humbly adapted the statement “To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required” as one of my personal life philosophies! To this end, I have been given an opportunity to go to Mozambique this summer with a team of 12 people from the Greater Allen Cathedral of the New York ( We will spend our time at Iris Ministries (, an orphanage that serves as home to over 400 children from infants to 18 years old. Iris is a safe haven where the children are able to go to school, be taken care of, and know that they are loved.
To say that I am excited about this trip is an understatement!!!! I am anxious and excited all at once! I need to start preparing! I have to get shots--oye, but that will not deter me! I also had to get additional passport pages becasue you have to have 6 blank pages in your passport to go to Africa and I did not have any :-)! What I am learning is that I not only have to prepare physically, but mentally as well! The mental portions is a little hard because requires that I slow down and get centered! Slowing down is proving to be a challenge as I have a lot of "iron in the stove" at the moment! I am pressing and straining towards that goal...
much love

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"You don't become what you are--you become what you believe"

This was a quote from Oprah's show yesterday! The show was about children/people being ashamed of the way they look--some segments were too much for me to watch! Oprah put fort a challenge to all young girls for the next 365 days--it's called O Girl ,O Beautiful--The Revolution! for more info--click:

If this quote, "you don't become what you are --you become what you believe", is true--then the question I am posing is: What do you belive about yourself?

In thinking about your WHOLE-SELF (mind, body and spirit), what is it that you believe about your body?, What do you believe about your looks? What do your believe about your intelligence?

What do you believe about the person that God created you to be? Do you believe God's hype (that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, that you are made in his image, that you are perfect just the way you are!) or your own? Do you even know what you believe about yourself?

What is the context of your belief about yourself --Societal Context or your Creator's?? If you are not sure, then maybe you too should join the O Girl, O Beautiful--The Revolution!
Just a thought…

Until later...


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Family Addition


Check out some pick of my nephews--Kai (6 yrs) and Chad (7months). Chad joined our family in October of last year..he is such a joy to be around--always smiling! Kai is such a good big brother!! I have a new niece, Brianna, who joined our family in February..I will be sharing her photos shortly. I am about to pressure my sister into sending me some :-)! Look out world--here they come!
Catch you later...

I am Back!!!!

I have not posted any info in more than a year--WOW!!! Time is moving fast!!!

Well a friend of mine, LaTrese, is the inspiration for my return! I have so enjoyed reading her blog that I have decided to get back in the game... So here I am..

I have so much to share--new addition to my family, upcoming trips that I am planning, books I want to write, people I want to meet, places I want to be, etc....!!! The BIG question is--- where do I start???

I am pressing for time at the moment, but wanted to be sure to post something today so I think that I will start with a quote that I received yesterday from a friend--thanks G!

"Every time you suppress some part of yourself or allow others to play you small, you are in essence ignoring the owner's manual your creator gave you and destroying your design.” ---Oprah Winfrey

My response to her was: AMEN!!!

My thoughts around this quote is that I don't so much give others opportunity to play me small, but I do suppress myself by not doing what I know that I am created to do ( hence—destroying my owners manual)!! I get so busy with my day-to-day that I am not working on the things that I KNOW are aligned with my creator's plan for me! I got REDIRECTED by this quote... I hope you will too!

Until later...