Thursday, August 30, 2007

I am back!!

Wow-- it's been ages since I posted anything--so much is happening in my life that's worth blogging about that I don't know where to begin. There is my trip to Africa (which changed my life), my new home and my new job! Folks--it's about having a new life..

I think that I will start with my new place and new job first as these are the easiest to blog about.

The Journey

Before I left for Africa, I shared that I received the keys to my first place. What I did not share that day was that I was experiencing "my perfect storm". I was in the process of fulfilling a dream of ine--which was to go to Africa, I recieved the keys to my first place and I got a verbal offer for a job that afternoon! I was on cloud TEN that day as I was experiencing God's favor over every area of my life and doing it all at once! That day I was reminded of the fact that God can ALWAYS dream a bigger dream for you than you can for yourself!

My prayer for the last few months was that Iwould be in a new job when I came back from Africa and guess what?? I start my new job on September 4th--God is AWESOME!!

The Job

I will be joining an English Law Firm, Linklaters, as a Learning and Development Advisor! I am excited because my travelschedule will be cut by about 90%. I am also excited about joining this new team, being in a new environment and doing some different work!

Leaving Booz was more difficult than I thought it would be because what it came down to for me was the relationships. I had spent the last 10 + years there and I created some special relationships that will change as a result of my leaving! I was sad for a few days and leaving last Friday was a little hard.

The Home

I move into my new home on Saturday and have spent the last two weeks painting and preping the apartment for my move! It's a little strange living in a new place--I had a couple of interesting moments over the last three days, but I am pressing! I think that I just have to get use to it! I slept in my bedroom for the 1st time last night (b/f that I was sleeping in the living room! I am in the process of unpacking-which is never fun!

The things that I ABSOLUTLEY love about my new place:

2 bedrooms

2 bathrooms (I will never have to share my bathroom again)

parking in the building (there is a monthly fee associated with it, but it's a sacrifice that I am wlling to make because parking is difficult in Manhattan)

24 hour door man

I will be about 30 mins from work door to door

my building is brand new

I have a gym and a community room in my building
I will share some photos of the new place once I have them!
So much happened on this trip that I have decided to share it in segments. I will say that My Life will never be the same again. That God showed up mightly during my two weeks there. More to come!


Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back. Can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo happy for you. You deserve it all and more.

Can't wait to see your new place and hear about Africa.


Fergie said...


Fergie said...