Friday, August 12, 2005

What I am up to..

Well I can’t believe that the summer is almost over--I HATE IT!

My plan is to enjoy every moment of it!

Here's what I am up to these days...

The Book...
I am currently reading: Dreams from my father--Barack Obama and must say that it is changing my Life... Not in SIGNIFICANT ways--but important ways none the less! My change is happening on the inside... I am taking a journey to my past, present and future in a thoughtful and constructive way.. A lot of reflection... some closures... Barack has written a riveting memoir! I can't tell you how many times I have paused while reading it--to reflect on my own journey...Really POWERFUL stuff!!

Reading the Word...
I have been spending considerable time reading/Studying God's word in an effort to take my “personal walk” with God to a new level! Between reading, young adult's bible study and Sunday service I am gaining a lot of knowledge --It's been VERY rewarding. I am feeling prepared to go on the road and be about my Father's business!

I started running earlier this summer and was up to four miles per day, but fell of the "trail” for a few weeks--I have DECIDED to start again...

I have a couple of trips on the radar that I am excited about

Turks and Caicos at the end of September-- I am going with the sisters, brother in law and a few friends.. I can't wait.. will definitely share some photos when I get back!

Jamaica in December (if I can find reasonable hotel accommodations). Christmas is high season for most Caribbean countries, so the hotels charge "an arm and a leg" only because they know that people will pay them--oye!

Africa in February-- I am currently planning a trip with a Friend to go to Cape Town and Johannesburg early next year and I am excited because I have never been to that region before! And we will be staying with her friends--which mean that I will not be getting the "tourist version” of Africa- yeah baby--that’s was I’m talking about :-)….

See you soon....

Pics from Trip to New York

Ok.. I know that I promised that I would upload photos from the family New York visit, But I am sad to say that I only have one photo to share--camera issues!!! Secretly, that is just an excuse.. I HATED ALL THE PHOTOS—too fat, wrong outfit, wrong pose, etc….. :-(!!!!

I promise to "suck it in” and smile more for the next event..... so hold tight more photos is on the way……
In the mean time, enjoy this photo of Nick and Kai... We took the Kids to Great Adventure--hurricane Harbor and we all had a Blast.... This photo was taken on our way into the park!

I had so much fun that I am hoping to take another visit before the summer is over! Wanna come?

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Stay Tuned... for pic of recent family trip to New York!

Some other photos from our Jamaica trip....

Another view from my balcony! God this was a GREAT vacation... why am I not there now--oye!
The view from the balcony in my room at sunset..right before we when out to party :-).....
Look in the eyes and in the hands... No explanation needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a Family Affair....

Here's a glimps into the my world and see the folks that I call family! I love em to "death"! We took these photos on our last family vacation to Jamaica!

Ok..What do you notice immediately--other than the fact that we are all beautiful people :-)? We are all sporting some gorgeous tans.... this was day 7 of a 9 day trip... Let me introduce you to the family--starting from back left: Warner (brother in law--who is married to Racquel), Racquel (sis), Colin (brother-in-law--married to Nadine), Antoinette (sis--aka Anto), Tony (stepfather), Toni-Gaye (sis--aka TG), Nadine (sis), Doreen (mom), Me (Natasha). Front Left: Krystal (niece--belonging to Nadine & Colin), Kai (Nephew--belonging to Racquel & Warner), Donald (papa) and Nicholas(nephew--belonging to Nadine& CB)... We stayed at Sunset Beach & resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica

Why the pressure???

Elliot boy,

I must say that I am feeling enormous pressure from you to update my blog...what if I have nothing to say at this time? :-)... Just kidding.... visit me blog in an hour kiddo....


Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Cousins!

Krystal, Nicholas & Kai in Jamaica
(we just added pixs to this blog for the first time! yeah!!!!!!!)


this is Bixby and I just helped Tasha build her blog.
Now she is going to put pixs up and leave notes for her friends and family to
read and look at. Woooo Hooooo!

Viva La Blogging!

Bixby "Blog Master Jam" Elliot