Thursday, August 4, 2005

It's a Family Affair....

Here's a glimps into the my world and see the folks that I call family! I love em to "death"! We took these photos on our last family vacation to Jamaica!

Ok..What do you notice immediately--other than the fact that we are all beautiful people :-)? We are all sporting some gorgeous tans.... this was day 7 of a 9 day trip... Let me introduce you to the family--starting from back left: Warner (brother in law--who is married to Racquel), Racquel (sis), Colin (brother-in-law--married to Nadine), Antoinette (sis--aka Anto), Tony (stepfather), Toni-Gaye (sis--aka TG), Nadine (sis), Doreen (mom), Me (Natasha). Front Left: Krystal (niece--belonging to Nadine & Colin), Kai (Nephew--belonging to Racquel & Warner), Donald (papa) and Nicholas(nephew--belonging to Nadine& CB)... We stayed at Sunset Beach & resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica

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