Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"You don't become what you are--you become what you believe"

This was a quote from Oprah's show yesterday! The show was about children/people being ashamed of the way they look--some segments were too much for me to watch! Oprah put fort a challenge to all young girls for the next 365 days--it's called O Girl ,O Beautiful--The Revolution! for more info--click:http://www2.oprah.com/presents/2007/girl/girl_main.jhtml

If this quote, "you don't become what you are --you become what you believe", is true--then the question I am posing is: What do you belive about yourself?

In thinking about your WHOLE-SELF (mind, body and spirit), what is it that you believe about your body?, What do you believe about your looks? What do your believe about your intelligence?

What do you believe about the person that God created you to be? Do you believe God's hype (that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, that you are made in his image, that you are perfect just the way you are!) or your own? Do you even know what you believe about yourself?

What is the context of your belief about yourself --Societal Context or your Creator's?? If you are not sure, then maybe you too should join the O Girl, O Beautiful--The Revolution!
Just a thought…

Until later...



Anonymous said...

I believe that I am enough, right now just as I am. And just for the record, sometimes I can be more than enough :-)

Anonymous said...

Creator....but that darn society won't leave me alone :-)-NJW

Bixby Elliot said...

great post - yeah - glad you have come back to the blogoshere tasha!