Thursday, June 14, 2007

In the spirit of sharing.....101 things about me....

I stole this idea from a friend's blog--Thanks Fergie :-)

1. I am a friend of God
2. I was born on October 14th
3. I was born in the West Indies (Kingston, Jamaica)
4. I four sisters on my mother’s side (Nadine, Racquel, Toni-Gaye and Antoinette)
5. I am the middle child!
6. My sisters are my heart
7. My mother is my heart beat
8. My mother would give me (and all my sisters) the world if she could
9. I got my generosity of spirit from my mother
10. My mother is her father’s child
11. My mother is tall and beautiful and a bit vain :-)
12. My mother often gets mistaken for the older sister when we are all out together—she secretly LOVES IT :-)
13. I think that I would die of a broken heart without my mother and sisters
14. My older sister, Nadine, is one of the nicest people I know!
15. My second oldest sister, Racquel, is my make believe twin! She can sometimes be VERY difficult, but if she calls you friend—she will give you her heart (my mother says that she is more like my grandmother than the rest of us)
16. The sister that follows me, Toni-Gaye, is sweet as pie! I don’t always get where she is at, but I know that she loves/ respects me fiercely! She is the one that I worry about the most
17. My baby sister, Antoinette, is a wonderful reflection of God’s love! If we were not sisters, I would still want to be her friend! She has a whip that she calls a tongue and we ALL spoil her!
18. I have two nieces and three nephews that I love, love, love!!!
19. My two brother—in—laws have truly become my brothers! I love them so much! They are the best husbands, care givers and providers.
20. My maternal grandparents were central figures in my life growing up!
21. My grandmother, Laura, died in November 2000. There are still moments when I miss her so acutely that my heart contacts and my eyes become like a river!
22. My grandfather, Donald, is living in Jamaica! He is 87 and has prostate cancer! I cry more often than not when I speak to him
23. I haven’t spoken to my father in almost two years—I have issues with him that he is not aware of!
24. My father was not an active participants in my life growing up
25. My father is funny, handsome and friendly, but a lousy care giver and provider
26. I have other siblings on my father’s side of the family
27. I don’t know much of my father’s family---I communicate with one of my sister and an aunt
28. I love my friends, am crazy about all of them and consider most of them sisters-friends
29. My relationship with Bixby Elliot makes me feel safe!
30. My relationship with Althea Gibson, Pat Waddell, Nancy Williams and Mirtle Sidbury has caused me to make MAJOR shifts (good ones) in my life!
31. Angelique, Karen, Tessa, Janine, Ashley, Dollicita, Shanta, Ayanna and Laura have become my sisters in every sense of the word!
32. I think of Keta as my little sister —I am protective of her!
33. Franklyn is my bothers—I think that he loves my life!
34. Ashley allows me to be myself!
35. I think that Ayanna’s life vision/mission is more like mine than it’s different
36. I like where my relationship with LaTrese is headed—I do consider her friend and want us to stay on the same trajectory
37. I wish Kate Nekic Lived in NYC
38. Rae Shawn inspires me to be silly :-)
39. Some people that impress me are: Mummy, Reggie Van Lee, Nancy Williams, Pat Waddell, Althea Gibson, Kathy Donaldson, Debbie Turner, Floyd and Elaine Flake, Julia Russell, Paul Leacock, Terrance McKinley, Mirtle Sidbury, Oprah Winfrey, Claudette Copeland, Cynthia Hale…Just to name a few
40. I have no one in my life that I wish weren’t in it!
41. I am loved
42. I am a sister, a daughter and friend to many..
43. I hate the telephone
44. I use television to procrastinate
45. I want to help people make purposeful leaps in their lives
46. I want to change the world
47. I love music
48. I love books
49. I like quotes
50. I live my life on questions
51. I think that questions are a powerful tool for change
52. Appearance is important to me
53. I like handbags, purses and shoes
54. I like shopping
55. There is a different color paint in every room of my apartment
56. I am buying a new place
57. I am going to Africa
58. I am into dresses
59. I want to complete a triathlon
60. I like visiting new countries
61. I don’t like flying
62. At the end of this summer I will have visited 5 of the seven continents
63. I love books and music and could not live without both !!
64. A trait I most dislike in people is passive aggressiveness
65. I am going to buy a bike when I move
66. I want to learn how to rollerblade
67. I would like to become a jogger
68. I want to buy a summer home by the beach in the Caribbean
69. I want to own my own business
70. I want a side hustle
71. I would like to get married
72. I would like to have children
73. I am afraid of dogs
74. I am attracted to masculine men!
75. I will/have dated outside my race
76. I would like to live abroad for a few years
77. I am a good problem solver
78. I like order and structure
79. I get impatience with incompetence
80. I think that a sense of humor is sexy on a guy
81. I am in a new/ wonderful place in my Christian walk
82. I have a HUGE crush on SL :-)
83. I don’t like white walls
84. I think that I have a cute butt :-)
85. I am liking the color green
86. I like matching under garments
87. I am making it a point to smile more
88. I am hard on myself
89. My favorite pieces of furniture are my Armor and my Gothic bench
90. I LOVE raw carrots
91. I am not a chocolate lover!
92. I like hard candy
93. I love stew peas and rice
94. I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE natural light
95. I am a hopeless romantic
96. My GUILTY PLEASURE: Reading black romance novels by Brenda Jackson, Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jenkins and Melanie Schuster ONLY! I put them in a cover when I am reading :-)!
97. I don’t like eating alone
98. The last book I read was titled: Change your Conversations Change you Life-- It was great!
99. I love Nina Simone music!
100. My All time favorite songs are: “Sinnerman” and “See Line Woman”
101. I worry that I might upset someone by not mentioning their name in this blog—BELIEVE THAT I LOVE YOU!


Bixby Elliot said...

101. I love when Bixby leaves me comments on my blog!

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