Saturday, June 23, 2007

"Ripping and Running" and THEN..My Ahhhh Moment!!!

This photo is a symbol for how I have been feeling for the last couple of weeks--just running in every directions! Lately, my life is filled with a "million and one" activity-- with no concrete end in view. I have been RIPPING and RUNNING!!!!! All the “compartments” in my life are in flux!

Work is the pretty much the same—my travel schedule is a bit hectic at the moment and from time to time, new things are added!

My home life is unstructured as well! I am buying a place and it’s a new construction so there are no processes in place for anything. Every time they (the management company) need me to bring something or sign something, I am only given a day or two notice—OYE! The original move-in date was around the September timeframe. However, they are ahead of schedule, and what this means is that things are ready when they are ready!!! As a result, I have to be ready when they are ready. Because of my travel schedule, I have decided to start packing up some of the rooms to save sometime. The issue is that I have boxed all around me—AND I HATE IT!!!!!!!

I do a lot of volunteer work and for the past two weeks, all my due dates for tasks are in heavy competition with each other—translation: I have been “burning the midnight oil!!!

I am going to Africa, a month from now, and I still need to find the time to get the reminder of my shots, pack, plan some activities to do with the older children while I am there, and spend sometime getting “centered” for the trip.

As you are reading this, you must me thinking—why the HYPE???? Well for someone who is a FLAMING J on the Myers Briggs—this lack of structure feels like H_ _ L!!!

This morning I facilitated a workshop for a group of 50 ministers! The event took place in Glen Cove, NY (about 30 minutes from my home). The property was GORGEOUS—lots of trees and beautiful--old buildings! I journeyed to this property in peace—it was AWESOME! The session went well and more than half of the group came up to me afterwards with positive feedback!

The ahh moment!

On the drive back home I began reflecting on the last few weeks (chalk it up to the scenery)! And then it came to me—that though I have been “ripping and running” and feeling like I don’t have enough hours in the day to get things accomplish, this is one of the BEST times of my life!!!! I am actually living my life on purpose—buying a new home (packing boxes and all), going to Africa, volunteering in my community—this is what I want my life to be about! Today I was reminded that I am living a life that extremely rewarding—CHAOS and ALL!! Three words—God is AWESOME!!!

Catch you later…..

ps – I also have a plan to get “centered”—you might be a tad bit jealous when I share it J!

1 comment:

Fergie said...

I can not wait to hear all about the session. Sounds like it went well and you are pleased with the way it turned out. Yes, God is Awesome, and I am often Amazed by his Grace.

P.S. remind me to tell you about our mission trip to Liberia planned for January.