Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I picked up my keys today!

I picked up the keys to my very first, brand new apartment today! I am SO excited I could burst! I leave for Africa on Saturday which is going to become a dream come thru for me--the only thing that is overshadowing this event is that I just received my keys and want to start decorating :-)! All I can think about is colors, movers and painters

I am dizzy with excitment at this very moment--God is AWESOME!!!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

How are you showing up in the world?

"How you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERTTHING"--Pastor Darius Daniels

What's your reaction to this quote?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Waiting on the world to Change or Standing up for life?

"me and all my friends we're all misunderstood they say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could now we see everything that's going wrong with the world and those who lead it we just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it so we keep waiting waiting on the world to change we keep on waiting waiting on the world to change"

This is some of the lyrics from John Mayer’s song “Waiting on the word to change

The question I am posing today is: Are you waiting on the world to change OR are you willing/ready to standup for life?

My ultimate goal in life is to CHANGE THE WORLD. In my lifetime, I want to see an end to:


The questions that are constantly on my mind are:

What should my generation response be to the issues of the world?
How can we use what we have and what to know to change the world in BIG and small ways?
Do we consciously think about how we can affect change in the world?
Do we even think that changing the world is something we can do?

I truly believe that WE ALL have innate and different gifts and if we decided to use all our gifts intentionally, we would see MASSIVE changes in the world!

I will pose my question again: Are you “WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE” or are you willing to “STAND UP FOR LIFE?”

If you are willing to “Stand Up for Life”—what can you do today, given your current reality, to affect change in the world?

And if you are already doing something to change the world, what are they? Do Share….


Monday, July 9, 2007

Who are you "Sombody's"?

Somebody had to help you to get to where you are! There are some people that you can not think about without thinking about yourself. These are the people who have contributed to your life--they helped in the "molding and shaping" of who you are! When you think about the "old you" you become thankful for these people because they helped/ contributed (tremendously) to the cultivation of the you that you are today!

Who are your "somebody’s"? Are they aware of how they have contributed to your life?

Friday, July 6, 2007

A Personal Q & A Session

I was on the Subway the other day without a book or my ipod--oye, so I decided to have a "personal Q & A session." One thing lead to another and I found myself at home searching thru old journals for past question that I posed to myself!

I live my life on/thru questions as some have caused me to make POWERFUL Shifts in my life. Here are some of my all time favorite questions:

  • In order to find yourself, are you willing to lose yourself?

  • If you think life is hard, what are you comparing it to?

  • What do you pack to pursue a dream and what do you leave behind?

  • Are you the type of person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life?

  • Do you realize that nothing is too good to be true?

  • If you don't have all the things you want, are you grateful for the things you don't have that you didn't want?

  • What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

  • What difference does it make if the thing you're scared of is real or not?

  • Do you know how to ream with your eyes open?

  • How would you introduce yourself to God?
  • Do you know where you are on your journey?

I have given you the questions, now you come up with the answers that are true and authentic for you!
Ask questions and live into the answers!