Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Waiting on the world to Change or Standing up for life?

"me and all my friends we're all misunderstood they say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could now we see everything that's going wrong with the world and those who lead it we just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it so we keep waiting waiting on the world to change we keep on waiting waiting on the world to change"

This is some of the lyrics from John Mayer’s song “Waiting on the word to change

The question I am posing today is: Are you waiting on the world to change OR are you willing/ready to standup for life?

My ultimate goal in life is to CHANGE THE WORLD. In my lifetime, I want to see an end to:


The questions that are constantly on my mind are:

What should my generation response be to the issues of the world?
How can we use what we have and what to know to change the world in BIG and small ways?
Do we consciously think about how we can affect change in the world?
Do we even think that changing the world is something we can do?

I truly believe that WE ALL have innate and different gifts and if we decided to use all our gifts intentionally, we would see MASSIVE changes in the world!

I will pose my question again: Are you “WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE” or are you willing to “STAND UP FOR LIFE?”

If you are willing to “Stand Up for Life”—what can you do today, given your current reality, to affect change in the world?

And if you are already doing something to change the world, what are they? Do Share….


1 comment:

Fergie said...

I am easily overwhelmed, so I decided to try and affect change in my little hood (you know the little area that I move about in on a day to day basis), then I hear this guy on TV say that the social progams of today are saving kids by the 10's and 20's yet we are loosing them buy the hundreds of thousands. I am now challenged to do things bigger and better.