Saturday, June 16, 2007


I went to a Bible Study last night that was facilitated by Chris Burge:
The Study topic was: "Heart Smart"--What does it mean to be a heart smart single! This was an amazing session!!!!!

Chris said that for every decision that we have to make in life--our question should always be: Do I have peace about this?

He said that our life is lived in three different circles! Circle number one is The PROMISE, circle number three is The PROVISION and circle number two (which intersects # 1 & 3) is The PROCESS. He went on to say that we spend most of our time in The PROCESS circle because this is where we learn to become our best selves! And that PROCESS is where we have to guard our hearts against distractions!

We received 5 Characteristics of a HEART SMART SINGLE!

1) A Heart Smart Single recognize when they are having a defining moment! (Defining Moment--This is when staying the same is no longer an option--Living, Thinking, and Dreaming the way you have been is no longer an option). He said that everyone has a moment when God Sovereignty intersects their destiny--their defining moment!

His Question: What is the invisible you (the things that God has placed on your heart to do, to be, to live) that you are wrestling with to give birth to?

2) A Heart Smart Singles is a pro at pouring all of their energy into their present "season" even if it’s not the "season" they want to be in, and they do it with thanks giving and contentment know that they “season” will change!

3) A Heart Smart Single knows the difference between a good friend, a potential mate and a bad distraction!

4) A Heart Smart Single recognizes that they can't make somebody else be what they need them to be--they recognize that they cannot expect a healthy response from an unhealthy person!

5) A Heart Smart Single recognizes that life does not happen TO them, but THRU/FROM them!!!

This event was a DEFINING MOMENT for me!!!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...sounds like an amazing session - and something you can put your hands around. All the best as you prepare for Africa! I think that trip may be a defining moment for you. :-) - YSIC (Nance)