Monday, July 9, 2007

Who are you "Sombody's"?

Somebody had to help you to get to where you are! There are some people that you can not think about without thinking about yourself. These are the people who have contributed to your life--they helped in the "molding and shaping" of who you are! When you think about the "old you" you become thankful for these people because they helped/ contributed (tremendously) to the cultivation of the you that you are today!

Who are your "somebody’s"? Are they aware of how they have contributed to your life?

1 comment:

Fergie said...

The major somebody's in my life are my mom and dad. Yes, they are keenly aware of how they have molded me into the person that I am. My husband is a pretty huge somebody, as he constantly challenges me to be a better me, and lastly all those that I call friend - as you only get that title if you add to the betterment of Fergie!!!