Friday, February 6, 2009

Always "under construction"

If you know me, you would know that I love questions that provoke personal insight. I have been asking a lot of questions of myself lately because I have come to the realization that I don't know how to stay fully in the present and experience the current moments of my life.

I am always thinking about tomorrow and not taking time to simply enjoy today. I am not sure where I learned this, but I know that it has been a constant theme in my life and I must find the path to unlearning it. I have a friend that once told me that I am always "under construction". We laughed a bit about her comment as I told her the next thing that I was doing to try to improve ME to make my life “better”(It’s funny—as I write this I can remember everything about that day--interesting). While trying to improve your life is a great thing, I think that far too many of us take it to the extreme. There are negative sides to always being "under construction". If one is always trying to fix something, one will miss the opportunity to simply enjoy what is.

My goal over the last few months has been to try to remain in the present--because it is the only thing that I have…yesterday is gone and quite frankly--tomorrow may never come. The biggest shock was to discover how hard it is for me to enjoy my current moments :-(
Non-the-less, I keep "pressing" towards the mark...and with some help am getting better at it...

Here are some questions that will provoke some personal insight--my hope is that it will get you connected to

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

2. What is the treat you most deplore in others?

3. What is your greatest extravagance?

4. What is your most treasured possession?

5. What is your guiltiest pleasure?

6. Where would you like to live?

7. What makes you depressed?

8. What is your post unappealing habit?

9. What is your fancy dress costume of choice?

10. Radiator or air conditioning?

11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

12. What has been your biggest disappointed?

13. When did you last cry and why?

14. What single thing would improve the quality of your life?

15. How would you like to be remembered?

16. What is the most important lesson life as taught you?


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