Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Increasing your faith

I had coffee with a friend of mine today and he asked me a question that's been on my mind since then. He said "Natasha you have a lot of faith--how do you increase your faith?"

I have never thought about that question so literally before...So here's faith I said...
For me, faith is trusting what seems impossible to the natural eye, and I think that I increase my faith when I trust what I know and not what I feel or see. That I lean on past experiences when having faith paid off for me. Interestingly enough I did not mentioned God or quote a scripture and I am wondering if I missed an opportunity to minister to him. My gut tells me that it was not the time or place, but I am still wondering...anyway I am digressing....

I have a question for you: How do YOU increase your faith???


1 comment:

Fergie said...

The way the question is phrased it sounds like the answer should be some action that you take. Kinda like you do A, B and C and your Faith is increased. Unfortunately for me it doesn't work like that, I think my faith is increased the more I learn and grow in my relationship with God. Its like the better I get to know him, the more I am able to trust him and have faith that he will do just what he said. It's like any other relationship, the better you know a person the more you trust them...