Friday, February 27, 2009

I am JUMPING IN......

What do you do when the life that you have no longer fits? How do you make the shift to a life that you know you ought to have when it requires changing almost everything that you know and have done to date? How do you get over your fear and take the risk?


I have been in a “grip” lately and most days, I feel like I am fighting for my life— in every area of my life!!!! A lot is happening and I need to make some important shifts! The thing is that I am having to really challenge myself to trust what I KNOW and not what I FEEL. It’s been an up hill climb at times, but I am decided that I am jumping in. I am leaving the safely of the cliff and taking a big leap—I am making my very own purposeful leap. So here I go……I am trusting that the water will be fine!!!

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