Thursday, February 5, 2009


What do we expect from our friendships? or should I ask--what is a realistic expectation of friendships?

I had two separate incidents with two of my good girlfriends yesterday that has caused me today to think about this. The incidences were simply enough, but have both provoked a lot of questions for me:

What do I expect from my friends?
Are my expectations realistic?
Am I the kind of friend that I am looking for?

I know that there are different kinds of friendship, but I am specifically talking about the friendships with your sister-friends.

How do those play out for you? Are you happy with them? If yes, what are you happy about? If no, what would you change?

I do feel a grown-up growth moment approachhing....


Fergie said...

It is interesting that you post this as I was thinking about this very topic the other day. I often say to have a friend you have you show yourself friendly. When I think of my GGGF's (good, good, girlfriends) it is a reciprocal relationship. Sometimes they call, sometime I call, sometimes they visit, and sometimes I visit. No matter how late, no matter what is going on we are there for each other. I get on their nerves - they tell me, I pout about it and eventually get over it. When they get on my nerves - I tell them, they get mad and curse me out and get over it. We may not talk everyday but when we do it is like we haven't missed a beat. It often saddens me that my Fave 5 are miles and miles away and I haven’t been able to find that in my new location. I find it challenging to develop true relationships the older I get. Folks have their own stuff going on and from where I sit, I believe it takes time to grow a relationship; you have to nurture it and cultivate it. It is when I feel like I am the only one doing those things that I get upset and place folks in the associate category. So, I guess the lesson for me in all this is I can show myself friendly, but everybody isn’t willing to put in the work that it take to become a friend.

Anonymous said...

A true friend is one who walks silently behind you, supports you without a word spoken, and shows up at the most unexpected, darkest times, just to sit and be with - never a word spoken, never an expectation required. The blessing of that friendship is knowing you can deliver to them the same blessings they give you - and they recieve them without a word spoken and with an expecation required. And the foundation of this friendship is trust in one another and in Jesus Christ.