Thursday, August 30, 2007

I am back!!

Wow-- it's been ages since I posted anything--so much is happening in my life that's worth blogging about that I don't know where to begin. There is my trip to Africa (which changed my life), my new home and my new job! Folks--it's about having a new life..

I think that I will start with my new place and new job first as these are the easiest to blog about.

The Journey

Before I left for Africa, I shared that I received the keys to my first place. What I did not share that day was that I was experiencing "my perfect storm". I was in the process of fulfilling a dream of ine--which was to go to Africa, I recieved the keys to my first place and I got a verbal offer for a job that afternoon! I was on cloud TEN that day as I was experiencing God's favor over every area of my life and doing it all at once! That day I was reminded of the fact that God can ALWAYS dream a bigger dream for you than you can for yourself!

My prayer for the last few months was that Iwould be in a new job when I came back from Africa and guess what?? I start my new job on September 4th--God is AWESOME!!

The Job

I will be joining an English Law Firm, Linklaters, as a Learning and Development Advisor! I am excited because my travelschedule will be cut by about 90%. I am also excited about joining this new team, being in a new environment and doing some different work!

Leaving Booz was more difficult than I thought it would be because what it came down to for me was the relationships. I had spent the last 10 + years there and I created some special relationships that will change as a result of my leaving! I was sad for a few days and leaving last Friday was a little hard.

The Home

I move into my new home on Saturday and have spent the last two weeks painting and preping the apartment for my move! It's a little strange living in a new place--I had a couple of interesting moments over the last three days, but I am pressing! I think that I just have to get use to it! I slept in my bedroom for the 1st time last night (b/f that I was sleeping in the living room! I am in the process of unpacking-which is never fun!

The things that I ABSOLUTLEY love about my new place:

2 bedrooms

2 bathrooms (I will never have to share my bathroom again)

parking in the building (there is a monthly fee associated with it, but it's a sacrifice that I am wlling to make because parking is difficult in Manhattan)

24 hour door man

I will be about 30 mins from work door to door

my building is brand new

I have a gym and a community room in my building
I will share some photos of the new place once I have them!
So much happened on this trip that I have decided to share it in segments. I will say that My Life will never be the same again. That God showed up mightly during my two weeks there. More to come!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I picked up my keys today!

I picked up the keys to my very first, brand new apartment today! I am SO excited I could burst! I leave for Africa on Saturday which is going to become a dream come thru for me--the only thing that is overshadowing this event is that I just received my keys and want to start decorating :-)! All I can think about is colors, movers and painters

I am dizzy with excitment at this very moment--God is AWESOME!!!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

How are you showing up in the world?

"How you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERTTHING"--Pastor Darius Daniels

What's your reaction to this quote?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Waiting on the world to Change or Standing up for life?

"me and all my friends we're all misunderstood they say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could now we see everything that's going wrong with the world and those who lead it we just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it so we keep waiting waiting on the world to change we keep on waiting waiting on the world to change"

This is some of the lyrics from John Mayer’s song “Waiting on the word to change

The question I am posing today is: Are you waiting on the world to change OR are you willing/ready to standup for life?

My ultimate goal in life is to CHANGE THE WORLD. In my lifetime, I want to see an end to:


The questions that are constantly on my mind are:

What should my generation response be to the issues of the world?
How can we use what we have and what to know to change the world in BIG and small ways?
Do we consciously think about how we can affect change in the world?
Do we even think that changing the world is something we can do?

I truly believe that WE ALL have innate and different gifts and if we decided to use all our gifts intentionally, we would see MASSIVE changes in the world!

I will pose my question again: Are you “WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE” or are you willing to “STAND UP FOR LIFE?”

If you are willing to “Stand Up for Life”—what can you do today, given your current reality, to affect change in the world?

And if you are already doing something to change the world, what are they? Do Share….


Monday, July 9, 2007

Who are you "Sombody's"?

Somebody had to help you to get to where you are! There are some people that you can not think about without thinking about yourself. These are the people who have contributed to your life--they helped in the "molding and shaping" of who you are! When you think about the "old you" you become thankful for these people because they helped/ contributed (tremendously) to the cultivation of the you that you are today!

Who are your "somebody’s"? Are they aware of how they have contributed to your life?

Friday, July 6, 2007

A Personal Q & A Session

I was on the Subway the other day without a book or my ipod--oye, so I decided to have a "personal Q & A session." One thing lead to another and I found myself at home searching thru old journals for past question that I posed to myself!

I live my life on/thru questions as some have caused me to make POWERFUL Shifts in my life. Here are some of my all time favorite questions:

  • In order to find yourself, are you willing to lose yourself?

  • If you think life is hard, what are you comparing it to?

  • What do you pack to pursue a dream and what do you leave behind?

  • Are you the type of person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life?

  • Do you realize that nothing is too good to be true?

  • If you don't have all the things you want, are you grateful for the things you don't have that you didn't want?

  • What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

  • What difference does it make if the thing you're scared of is real or not?

  • Do you know how to ream with your eyes open?

  • How would you introduce yourself to God?
  • Do you know where you are on your journey?

I have given you the questions, now you come up with the answers that are true and authentic for you!
Ask questions and live into the answers!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

"Ripping and Running" and THEN..My Ahhhh Moment!!!

This photo is a symbol for how I have been feeling for the last couple of weeks--just running in every directions! Lately, my life is filled with a "million and one" activity-- with no concrete end in view. I have been RIPPING and RUNNING!!!!! All the “compartments” in my life are in flux!

Work is the pretty much the same—my travel schedule is a bit hectic at the moment and from time to time, new things are added!

My home life is unstructured as well! I am buying a place and it’s a new construction so there are no processes in place for anything. Every time they (the management company) need me to bring something or sign something, I am only given a day or two notice—OYE! The original move-in date was around the September timeframe. However, they are ahead of schedule, and what this means is that things are ready when they are ready!!! As a result, I have to be ready when they are ready. Because of my travel schedule, I have decided to start packing up some of the rooms to save sometime. The issue is that I have boxed all around me—AND I HATE IT!!!!!!!

I do a lot of volunteer work and for the past two weeks, all my due dates for tasks are in heavy competition with each other—translation: I have been “burning the midnight oil!!!

I am going to Africa, a month from now, and I still need to find the time to get the reminder of my shots, pack, plan some activities to do with the older children while I am there, and spend sometime getting “centered” for the trip.

As you are reading this, you must me thinking—why the HYPE???? Well for someone who is a FLAMING J on the Myers Briggs—this lack of structure feels like H_ _ L!!!

This morning I facilitated a workshop for a group of 50 ministers! The event took place in Glen Cove, NY (about 30 minutes from my home). The property was GORGEOUS—lots of trees and beautiful--old buildings! I journeyed to this property in peace—it was AWESOME! The session went well and more than half of the group came up to me afterwards with positive feedback!

The ahh moment!

On the drive back home I began reflecting on the last few weeks (chalk it up to the scenery)! And then it came to me—that though I have been “ripping and running” and feeling like I don’t have enough hours in the day to get things accomplish, this is one of the BEST times of my life!!!! I am actually living my life on purpose—buying a new home (packing boxes and all), going to Africa, volunteering in my community—this is what I want my life to be about! Today I was reminded that I am living a life that extremely rewarding—CHAOS and ALL!! Three words—God is AWESOME!!!

Catch you later…..

ps – I also have a plan to get “centered”—you might be a tad bit jealous when I share it J!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I went to a Bible Study last night that was facilitated by Chris Burge:
The Study topic was: "Heart Smart"--What does it mean to be a heart smart single! This was an amazing session!!!!!

Chris said that for every decision that we have to make in life--our question should always be: Do I have peace about this?

He said that our life is lived in three different circles! Circle number one is The PROMISE, circle number three is The PROVISION and circle number two (which intersects # 1 & 3) is The PROCESS. He went on to say that we spend most of our time in The PROCESS circle because this is where we learn to become our best selves! And that PROCESS is where we have to guard our hearts against distractions!

We received 5 Characteristics of a HEART SMART SINGLE!

1) A Heart Smart Single recognize when they are having a defining moment! (Defining Moment--This is when staying the same is no longer an option--Living, Thinking, and Dreaming the way you have been is no longer an option). He said that everyone has a moment when God Sovereignty intersects their destiny--their defining moment!

His Question: What is the invisible you (the things that God has placed on your heart to do, to be, to live) that you are wrestling with to give birth to?

2) A Heart Smart Singles is a pro at pouring all of their energy into their present "season" even if it’s not the "season" they want to be in, and they do it with thanks giving and contentment know that they “season” will change!

3) A Heart Smart Single knows the difference between a good friend, a potential mate and a bad distraction!

4) A Heart Smart Single recognizes that they can't make somebody else be what they need them to be--they recognize that they cannot expect a healthy response from an unhealthy person!

5) A Heart Smart Single recognizes that life does not happen TO them, but THRU/FROM them!!!

This event was a DEFINING MOMENT for me!!!!!



Thursday, June 14, 2007

In the spirit of sharing.....101 things about me....

I stole this idea from a friend's blog--Thanks Fergie :-)

1. I am a friend of God
2. I was born on October 14th
3. I was born in the West Indies (Kingston, Jamaica)
4. I four sisters on my mother’s side (Nadine, Racquel, Toni-Gaye and Antoinette)
5. I am the middle child!
6. My sisters are my heart
7. My mother is my heart beat
8. My mother would give me (and all my sisters) the world if she could
9. I got my generosity of spirit from my mother
10. My mother is her father’s child
11. My mother is tall and beautiful and a bit vain :-)
12. My mother often gets mistaken for the older sister when we are all out together—she secretly LOVES IT :-)
13. I think that I would die of a broken heart without my mother and sisters
14. My older sister, Nadine, is one of the nicest people I know!
15. My second oldest sister, Racquel, is my make believe twin! She can sometimes be VERY difficult, but if she calls you friend—she will give you her heart (my mother says that she is more like my grandmother than the rest of us)
16. The sister that follows me, Toni-Gaye, is sweet as pie! I don’t always get where she is at, but I know that she loves/ respects me fiercely! She is the one that I worry about the most
17. My baby sister, Antoinette, is a wonderful reflection of God’s love! If we were not sisters, I would still want to be her friend! She has a whip that she calls a tongue and we ALL spoil her!
18. I have two nieces and three nephews that I love, love, love!!!
19. My two brother—in—laws have truly become my brothers! I love them so much! They are the best husbands, care givers and providers.
20. My maternal grandparents were central figures in my life growing up!
21. My grandmother, Laura, died in November 2000. There are still moments when I miss her so acutely that my heart contacts and my eyes become like a river!
22. My grandfather, Donald, is living in Jamaica! He is 87 and has prostate cancer! I cry more often than not when I speak to him
23. I haven’t spoken to my father in almost two years—I have issues with him that he is not aware of!
24. My father was not an active participants in my life growing up
25. My father is funny, handsome and friendly, but a lousy care giver and provider
26. I have other siblings on my father’s side of the family
27. I don’t know much of my father’s family---I communicate with one of my sister and an aunt
28. I love my friends, am crazy about all of them and consider most of them sisters-friends
29. My relationship with Bixby Elliot makes me feel safe!
30. My relationship with Althea Gibson, Pat Waddell, Nancy Williams and Mirtle Sidbury has caused me to make MAJOR shifts (good ones) in my life!
31. Angelique, Karen, Tessa, Janine, Ashley, Dollicita, Shanta, Ayanna and Laura have become my sisters in every sense of the word!
32. I think of Keta as my little sister —I am protective of her!
33. Franklyn is my bothers—I think that he loves my life!
34. Ashley allows me to be myself!
35. I think that Ayanna’s life vision/mission is more like mine than it’s different
36. I like where my relationship with LaTrese is headed—I do consider her friend and want us to stay on the same trajectory
37. I wish Kate Nekic Lived in NYC
38. Rae Shawn inspires me to be silly :-)
39. Some people that impress me are: Mummy, Reggie Van Lee, Nancy Williams, Pat Waddell, Althea Gibson, Kathy Donaldson, Debbie Turner, Floyd and Elaine Flake, Julia Russell, Paul Leacock, Terrance McKinley, Mirtle Sidbury, Oprah Winfrey, Claudette Copeland, Cynthia Hale…Just to name a few
40. I have no one in my life that I wish weren’t in it!
41. I am loved
42. I am a sister, a daughter and friend to many..
43. I hate the telephone
44. I use television to procrastinate
45. I want to help people make purposeful leaps in their lives
46. I want to change the world
47. I love music
48. I love books
49. I like quotes
50. I live my life on questions
51. I think that questions are a powerful tool for change
52. Appearance is important to me
53. I like handbags, purses and shoes
54. I like shopping
55. There is a different color paint in every room of my apartment
56. I am buying a new place
57. I am going to Africa
58. I am into dresses
59. I want to complete a triathlon
60. I like visiting new countries
61. I don’t like flying
62. At the end of this summer I will have visited 5 of the seven continents
63. I love books and music and could not live without both !!
64. A trait I most dislike in people is passive aggressiveness
65. I am going to buy a bike when I move
66. I want to learn how to rollerblade
67. I would like to become a jogger
68. I want to buy a summer home by the beach in the Caribbean
69. I want to own my own business
70. I want a side hustle
71. I would like to get married
72. I would like to have children
73. I am afraid of dogs
74. I am attracted to masculine men!
75. I will/have dated outside my race
76. I would like to live abroad for a few years
77. I am a good problem solver
78. I like order and structure
79. I get impatience with incompetence
80. I think that a sense of humor is sexy on a guy
81. I am in a new/ wonderful place in my Christian walk
82. I have a HUGE crush on SL :-)
83. I don’t like white walls
84. I think that I have a cute butt :-)
85. I am liking the color green
86. I like matching under garments
87. I am making it a point to smile more
88. I am hard on myself
89. My favorite pieces of furniture are my Armor and my Gothic bench
90. I LOVE raw carrots
91. I am not a chocolate lover!
92. I like hard candy
93. I love stew peas and rice
94. I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE natural light
95. I am a hopeless romantic
96. My GUILTY PLEASURE: Reading black romance novels by Brenda Jackson, Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jenkins and Melanie Schuster ONLY! I put them in a cover when I am reading :-)!
97. I don’t like eating alone
98. The last book I read was titled: Change your Conversations Change you Life-- It was great!
99. I love Nina Simone music!
100. My All time favorite songs are: “Sinnerman” and “See Line Woman”
101. I worry that I might upset someone by not mentioning their name in this blog—BELIEVE THAT I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Quandary...How much do I share?

My return to "blogging” is an intentional one! I have some ideas about conversations that I would like to start/share in this forum and for that I am EXCITED! The problem that I am having is centered around the content—specifically, how much information do I share on this blog? Since it's my blog then I want to share things about me--the problem is that I am not comfortable doing that!
In general, I am an extremely private person! There are only a few people in my life that I really "share" all of myself with--I think that this can be linked directly to my earlier years.

I grew up in a culture (Jamaica) where you don't take things outside of the home! It was understood that whatever happened in the home/with your family stayed in the home. This was never a problem until lately or should I say that this started becoming an issue for me lately because of my blogging intentions--which is based on me DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY in my life. One of the things that I want to do differently is not being afraid to share more of me with the world. I guess a natural question is--why would I be afraid of sharing? Answer: Because I don't always know if I am enough---WOW I said it!!!

If you asked me what is the one thing that I know to be true at this point in my life? I would say that I have learned/know that "I cannot do this life thing by myself!!!!" That I really get the statement that-- no man is an island and that I need to lean on others to survive! It's not that I think that I am superior or better than others—it’s just that I have always been uncomfortable leaning on others or asking for help-- I am not sure why! I have learned that I am not self-sustainable--no one is-- and that is OK! I actually don't want to be--I want to be the person that is comfortable sharing herself with the world because she is ALWAYS ok with how she shows up in the world! Is that possible? Is there anyone out there that is A OK with who they are and how they show up everyday? Is that even attainable???? If I were that person then this post would not be necessary!!!!! Hmmmm—if I did not have to write this post, where would I be in the space that I am in? Does this question make ANY sense?

I am not sure that I have all the answers, but I am pleased that I am writing this post because it means that I am TRANSFORMING! If I hit the “publish post" button, then I know that I am doing things differently!

Your thoughts?


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I said goodbye to the South this morning.....

Ok-- I know that I promised that I would have info on my trip to ATL, but outside of visiting with my friends and God daughters, the trip was uneventful!!!

I will share some photos of the god daughters later....

Friday, June 1, 2007

I am in ATLANTA!!!


I am in the South!!! I traveled to ATL this week to attend the ASTD conference! The good news is that I have friends and God kids here as well! I am sure that I will have a lot to share next week! Stay plugged in :-)!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am going to Africa this summer!!!

Late last year, I made a personal declaration that I would take two weeks out of every year to help someone –somewhere around the world who is less fortunate than I am. I have most humbly adapted the statement “To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required” as one of my personal life philosophies! To this end, I have been given an opportunity to go to Mozambique this summer with a team of 12 people from the Greater Allen Cathedral of the New York ( We will spend our time at Iris Ministries (, an orphanage that serves as home to over 400 children from infants to 18 years old. Iris is a safe haven where the children are able to go to school, be taken care of, and know that they are loved.
To say that I am excited about this trip is an understatement!!!! I am anxious and excited all at once! I need to start preparing! I have to get shots--oye, but that will not deter me! I also had to get additional passport pages becasue you have to have 6 blank pages in your passport to go to Africa and I did not have any :-)! What I am learning is that I not only have to prepare physically, but mentally as well! The mental portions is a little hard because requires that I slow down and get centered! Slowing down is proving to be a challenge as I have a lot of "iron in the stove" at the moment! I am pressing and straining towards that goal...
much love

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"You don't become what you are--you become what you believe"

This was a quote from Oprah's show yesterday! The show was about children/people being ashamed of the way they look--some segments were too much for me to watch! Oprah put fort a challenge to all young girls for the next 365 days--it's called O Girl ,O Beautiful--The Revolution! for more info--click:

If this quote, "you don't become what you are --you become what you believe", is true--then the question I am posing is: What do you belive about yourself?

In thinking about your WHOLE-SELF (mind, body and spirit), what is it that you believe about your body?, What do you believe about your looks? What do your believe about your intelligence?

What do you believe about the person that God created you to be? Do you believe God's hype (that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, that you are made in his image, that you are perfect just the way you are!) or your own? Do you even know what you believe about yourself?

What is the context of your belief about yourself --Societal Context or your Creator's?? If you are not sure, then maybe you too should join the O Girl, O Beautiful--The Revolution!
Just a thought…

Until later...


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Family Addition


Check out some pick of my nephews--Kai (6 yrs) and Chad (7months). Chad joined our family in October of last year..he is such a joy to be around--always smiling! Kai is such a good big brother!! I have a new niece, Brianna, who joined our family in February..I will be sharing her photos shortly. I am about to pressure my sister into sending me some :-)! Look out world--here they come!
Catch you later...

I am Back!!!!

I have not posted any info in more than a year--WOW!!! Time is moving fast!!!

Well a friend of mine, LaTrese, is the inspiration for my return! I have so enjoyed reading her blog that I have decided to get back in the game... So here I am..

I have so much to share--new addition to my family, upcoming trips that I am planning, books I want to write, people I want to meet, places I want to be, etc....!!! The BIG question is--- where do I start???

I am pressing for time at the moment, but wanted to be sure to post something today so I think that I will start with a quote that I received yesterday from a friend--thanks G!

"Every time you suppress some part of yourself or allow others to play you small, you are in essence ignoring the owner's manual your creator gave you and destroying your design.” ---Oprah Winfrey

My response to her was: AMEN!!!

My thoughts around this quote is that I don't so much give others opportunity to play me small, but I do suppress myself by not doing what I know that I am created to do ( hence—destroying my owners manual)!! I get so busy with my day-to-day that I am not working on the things that I KNOW are aligned with my creator's plan for me! I got REDIRECTED by this quote... I hope you will too!

Until later...